Monday, December 30, 2019

The Circus Maximus - 1098 Words

The Circus Maximus The Circus Maximus, located in the Vallis Murcia (valley between the Aventine and Palatine hills) in Rome, was an ancient hippodrome and mass entertainment venue for the citizens of Rome. The Circus Maximus was first utilised for public games and entertainment by the Etruscan kings of Rome. The first games of the Ludi Romani (Roman Games) were staged there under the rule of Tarquinius Priscus, the fifth Etruscan ruler of Rome. They were in held in early September at the end of the military year. The games began with a religious ceremony that opened with what Ovid describes as â€Å"a golden procession of all the most important religious and civil authorites†. Statues of the Gods were paraded and sacrifices made before the†¦show more content†¦Contraptions invented to indicate the number of laps that had been run were positioned at each end of the stadium. At one end seven wooden eggs, representing Leda’s eggs from which Zeus’ twin sons, Castor and Pollux were said to have been born. These were erected by the censors Fulvius Flaccus and Postumius Albinus in 174 BC to indicate the laps completed. At the opposite end, seven dolphins, made of bronze, honouring Neptune, the patron of the equites (horses and riders), were added by Agrippa in 33 BC. (Evidence provided in Source 2.) This shows that the Circus Maximus was not only used for entertainment purposes but also as a form of propaganda, and allow powerful men to make their mark on Roman society and ensure they were not forgotten. Most of the charioteers, known as auriga were slaves or freedmen, but if they survived they could become very wealthy. The horses were from stud farms in the provinces and brought from Africa and Spain. The Roman officials demanded that only the best horses should compete in their races at the Circus Maximus. Halfway down the right-hand side of the barrier, a white line extends across the track, this was known as the linea alba (finishing line). To win a race, a team must be the first to cross this line at the end of the seventh lap. In front of the finishing line a temple is built into the stands on the Aventine hill, presided over byShow MoreRelatedCircus Maximus1976 Words   |  8 PagesCircus Maximus It is nearly impossible to look at the field that holds the remains of the Circus Maximus and understand what it once held without the aid of a vivid reconstruction. The remains of Circus Maximus lie in the Valley between the Aventine and Palentine hill. Traditionally, the history of the Circus Maximus began with chariot races held in honor of the God Consus in a less permanent structure in the area near Consus’s altar. 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